How To Prevent Vaginal Odor

Vaginal odor isn’t actually a bad thing, in fact, all vaginas, no matter how healthy, have a mild odor.

It is only considered bad when the odor becomes unusually strong over a period of time.

Many vaginal odors signal short-term shifts in your pH level and aren’t a cause for concern.

For example:

  • When your vagina smells slightly sour or tangy, it may be a sign that the pH level in your vaginal flora is slightly more acidic than is typical.

This smell is associated with the good bacteria in your vagina, lactobacilli. Some people describe the odor as yeasty.

  • A slightly sweet or bittersweet smell, like molasses or gingerbread, may also be a sign that your pH levels have changed.
  • Your vaginal discharge may smell slightly metallic — like copper pennies — when you’re menstruating. This is because period blood contains iron.
  • A vagina that smells like ammonia may be a sign that there’s urine residue on your genitals (vulva) or that you’re dehydrated.
  • A skunk-like scent or a smell similar to body odor may be a sign that you’re stressed and your sweat glands are working overtime.

From this, we can point out that vaginal odors are temporary and, in most cases, do not mean much danger.

Strong vaginal odor can be a symptom of dreaded diseases and infections though. But in most cases, it’s nothing serious.

Here are a few tips on how to prevent vaginal odor:

  • Do Not Wear Tight Underwear

Experts have advised that women should wear more of cotton under wears as they do not trap in air and moisture.

In general, avoid anything that will be tight, like thongs.

  • Drink enough water
Woman drinking water

Drinking water has more health benefits than merely quenching thirst or helping with digestion.

Sometimes, a bad odor from your vagina can be a sign that you’re dehydrated. When you drink enough water, your body produces healthy sweat, and your vagina healthy discharge.

  • Avoid intra-vaginal treatments
Herbal solution for treatment of infections

Many people use garlic and/or cloves solutions as treatment for vaginal infections, and one of the ways they use it is by infusing the solution into their vagina.

This is a harmful practice as these solutions can alter the PH of the vagina, they can also harm or destroy the bacteria that are responsible for keeping the vagina clean and healthy.

  • Be careful what you put in your vagina
Clean menstrual products

This is very important. There are lots of things that require inserting in the vagina, from Sexual products (including lubricants and protective products) to menstrual products (including menstrual cups and tampons).

However, if it must get in there, it must be clean and free, to some extent, from germs. And such products should be handled with care too. Also, look out for the contents of these products and ensure they are not harmful. The vagina is a delicate part of the body, anything can cause harmful alterations to the balance and pH, so being careful is very important.

  • Practise Good Hygiene

I cannot stress this enough. Staying clean is a basic way of preventing infections and odors.

vaginal discharge happens from time to time and so it is good to change and wash your underwear  regularly.

Also, at every opportunity you get, wash or clean your vagina with clean water or wipes.

While on your period, change your pads (or whichever products you use) regularly. Do not let the blood stay in for too long to avoid absorption of particles into the vulva.

With these tips, you can stay fresh and free of bad odor both in and out of your periods.

For a recap, here are the tips again.

  • Do not wear tight underwears
  • Drink enough water
  • Avoid intra-vaginal treatments
  • Be careful with what you put in your vagina
  • Practice good hygiene.

Thank you for reading.


Published by Amarachi Christopher

Hi, I'm Amarachi Christopher, chief administrator at Diva Health Blog, and currently residing in Lagos state, Nigeria. Besides being a blogger, I'm also a digital marketer and graphics designer (I designed this blog's logo, you can check out the concept and other info here). You can reach out to me by email: Daalu (that's igbo for "thank you").

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