7 Essential Lifestyle Tips For Hormone Balance

Hormones are substances produced by specialty organs (called glands) in order to carry out certain activities in the body. Most hormones are very specific in their activities. For instance, the growth hormones carry out only growth related activities, and so on. These hormones are usually carried through the bloodstream from the glands (where they areContinue reading "7 Essential Lifestyle Tips For Hormone Balance"

8 Common Reasons Why Your Breast(s) Hurt

Just like every other part of your body, you can experience pains or tenderness in your breasts from time to time. And while it may signal some conditions, it is nothing serious most of the time; and will stop on its own or with the help of over- the-counter pain relievers. In this post, we'reContinue reading "8 Common Reasons Why Your Breast(s) Hurt"

Daily Habits That Are Surprisingly Harmful To Your Health (part 2)

This is a continuation of our previous post on Daily Habits That Are Surprisingly Harmful To Your Health. See this post for the beginning. Taking nutritional supplements Nutritional Supplements These supplements are supposed to be taken on prescription. Supplements are not ordinary pills you can take in at anytime. Most times, they are prescribed whenContinue reading "Daily Habits That Are Surprisingly Harmful To Your Health (part 2)"

Daily Habits That Are Surprisingly Harmful To Your Health (part 1)

When we talk about habits, our mind goes to simple things that are a bit odd socially (or morally), but don't pose any serious threat to us. However, there are some things we do that endanger our lives. We don't actually see them as habits, some are things we do to keep ourselves safe andContinue reading "Daily Habits That Are Surprisingly Harmful To Your Health (part 1)"

How To Prevent Vaginal Odor

Vaginal odor isn't actually a bad thing, in fact, all vaginas, no matter how healthy, have a mild odor. It is only considered bad when the odor becomes unusually strong over a period of time. Many vaginal odors signal short-term shifts in your pH level and aren’t a cause for concern. For example: When yourContinue reading "How To Prevent Vaginal Odor"

Keto & Pregnancy: 4 Risks Of Keto Diet During Pregnancy

The keto diet is popular/trendy among modern day women, what do we expect of a diet that has many health benefits including efficient weight loss, treatment and prevention of seizure, and other health benefits. In case you don't know what it is, here's a brief explanation of what a keto diet is: The keto dietContinue reading "Keto & Pregnancy: 4 Risks Of Keto Diet During Pregnancy"

7 Important Tips For Menstruation

The menstrual period is certainly not any woman's best time of the month. This is a time of the month in which alot of things, bad things, happen at the same time; from cramps to cravings to bloating. Some women experience these even before their period starts, something termed Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). However, while itContinue reading "7 Important Tips For Menstruation"

There Is No Job Out There For You And I!

Guess who made that statement....... my manager at work. It was one Tuesday afternoon, everybody was busy due to the boss' order to evacuate one of our wharehouses. The order came with some urgency so all hands had to be on deck. As usual, there were complaints here and there. Complaints of wrongly counted stocks,Continue reading "There Is No Job Out There For You And I!"

What Is Heart Palpitation? (7 Surprising Causes Of A Pounding Heart)

Surprising Causes of a pounding heart Anxiety is a common emotion that often sets in before big moments (like giving a speech, undergoing an operation, etc). Anxious episodes tend to be temporary and sometimes with few serious symptoms ( like headaches) or long-term health effects. Typical signs of anxiety include feelings of nervousness and tension,Continue reading "What Is Heart Palpitation? (7 Surprising Causes Of A Pounding Heart)"

Top 6 Advertising Techniques For Creating Highly Responsive And Persuasive Ads

Advertising is one marketing technique that helps enforce a brand or business into the mind of their prospects/customers. Digital marketing experts have found that the average human sees about 5000 ads per day. From TV commercials, to Facebook and google ads, to even billboards and posters. Some of us see way more than that. TheContinue reading "Top 6 Advertising Techniques For Creating Highly Responsive And Persuasive Ads"

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